Many people aspire to be debt-free, however it can be a serious struggle especially if you have multiple credit, car, or student loans with high interest rates piled up. Debt can bog you down and prevent you from saving your money towards retirement funds, down payments for a home, vacations, etc. Luckily, there are some […]
Category Archives: Blog
5 Ways to Use Your Overripe Fruits
We may all be guilty of occasionally leaving our fruits out on the counter for a little past their “best by” dates. Fruits often have short lifespans and may ripen too quickly before we get to actually use them. However, instead of throwing out these overripe fruits, avoid food waste and give them a second […]
5 Simple Tips For Healthy Eating
Healthy eating is a combination of good habits and maintaining a balanced diet filled with fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, and protein. It may be difficult to maintain a healthy diet, however there are some small, simple lifestyle changes and healthier choices you can make to eat smarter. Below, we listed 5 simple tips you can […]
Smart Tips for Organizing Your Fridge
A fully stocked fridge filled with snacks, prepared meals, and pre-sliced ingredients is perfect if you’re looking to eat smarter. However, fridges tend to lack sufficient space and it’s easy for them to become disorganized, especially if you live in a big household and people are rummaging through your fridge’s shelves and drawers daliy. Luckily, […]
5 Ways to Relieve Back Pain
Back pain is a common problem for many people of all ages. Studies show that 8 in 10 Americans have experienced back pain at some point in their lives. Luckily, there are some simple things you can do to alleviate the pain. If you’re looking for ways to relieve your back pain, keep reading on […]
5 Smart Money-Saving Wedding Tips
One of the most memorable days in your life, a shared moment of two families coming together in the name of love, could also end up being one of your most costly days. Americans are spending an average whopping amount of $35,329 on their wedding, according to the Knot. If you’re a budget-conscious bride planning […]
10 Money-Saving Habits to Practice in 2022
No matter your situation, everyone can benefit from saving more money. It may not come easily for everyone, but there are simple habits you can practice and small sacrifices you can make in your daily lives to help you reach your financial goals. Below, we listed 10 simple habits you could practice to help you […]
5 Ways to Use Granola
Granola is typically a breakfast or snack food consisting of rolled oats, crushed nuts, and a sweetener like honey or brown sugar. There are countless ingredients that can be used to give granola different flavor profiles. It’s also extremely versatile and can be used in many ways – no matter how you like to eat […]
Tips for How to Get Into the Groove of Working Out
2022 is here and if you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to get into shape, you’re not alone. Exercise is an essential part of maintaining proper health and has an abundance of great benefits. Not only does exercise strengthen bones, improve blood circulation, regulate weight and enhance muscle tone, but it also helps your body […]
How to Save for Your Next Getaway Trip
You may think saving for a vacation requires long-term and major adjustments to your spending habits to make progress. However, making little changes to your daily habits prove to be very beneficial and put you in the right direction of reaching your financial goals. Below, we listed multiple ways to help you save money and […]